Dietary Supplement, Placenta Capsule

100% Human Placental Extract with JBP’s unique technology and safety protocol. Suitable for consumption at home or on the go.

LAENNEC P.O. is designed for those who feel a physical change with age and would like to keep their youthfulness through at-home self-care with placental extract.

Although Laennec P.O.

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Curacen P.O.+ is designed for those who experiencing physical changes due to aging and desire to maintain their inner health as well as youthful outer appearance through at-home self-care with placental extract. It is designed to contain similar efficacies as the Curacen injection, with two capsules equal to one ampoule.
100% Equine Placental Extract dietary supplement.

Applying the same extraction technology to the equine placenta as our ethical product. Please enjoy only the finest additive free Equine Placental Extract from JBP's contracted ranches of horses bred in Japan, being manufactured in our state-of-the-art GMP facility.